Distinguished Pistol Match1. Firearms: Factory manufactured (catalogue item) center-fire semi-automatic pistol of .354 caliber or larger. Any accessories, parts and components which are manufactured to duplicate, in materials, shape and dimensions, the original as offered by any of the manufacturers of the pistol, will be accepted. No external modifications are permitted. Barrel length not to exceed 5 inches (127 mm). Replacement barrels cannot be longer than the original. 2. Sights: Fixed or adjustable rear sights may be used, as delivered by any manufacture. Front sight may not extend beyond the front of the slide. Orthoptics, hooded or telescope sights are not allowed.
3. Grips: Orthopedic and target type as well as weighted grips are not allowed. Grips may be modified or changed because of the size of a competitor’s hands or to facilitate loading. Finger groove and slip on grips are allowed. Thumb rest grips/stocks, tape on the grip or any substance (except sweat preventers) which results in a sticky surface to the grip or hand, are not allowed.
4. Triggers: Trigger pull not less than 3 lbs. (1360 g) single action or for those of double action capability only.
5. Holsters: Only conventional right- or left-handed waist-belt holsters are allowed. For safety reasons, shoulder, cross draw, or holsters which require releasing by insertion of finger within the trigger guard will not be allowed. Holsters must completely cover the trigger.
6. Ready position: All series start with competitor in the standing position. Competitor's arms must be loosely at sides and hands may not touch the firearm or holster, before the targets start to turn or other fire commands are given. Semi-automatic pistols may not be holstered with a round in the chamber in a conventional right- or left-handed holster. The pistols’ hammer may be cocked and loaded magazines inserted.
7. Positions: Sitting - The buttocks must be on the ground with the body facing target. Hand may be extended to rear for support, elbow may not touch the ground. Back cannot rest on the ground and one or both knees may be raised. Arm or arms, hand or hands may be supported on, or by the knees. The firearm may be held by one or both hands, but may not be supported or steadied by either foot. One or two hands may be used to hold the firearm. No part of the firearm may touch the ground, foot or the barricade.
Prone - Body extended on the ground parallel to the line of sight, head toward target. “Roll-over” prone position may be used as long as the body is extended on the ground generally parallel to the line of sight and the position does not interfere with another competitor. The pistol may not touch the ground, but may be supported by one or both hands which may touch the ground, and which are extended toward the target. The competitor assumes the prone position from the Sitting position and the revolver or pistol must remain pointing “down range” during the process of changing positions.
Standing with support (a) Standing behind a post: Both feet must be behind the line (which is either real or imaginary) extending from the firing line to the rear of the exposed or shooting side of the post. No part of the firearm may touch the post. Shooting hand or firearm may be supported by the other hand. The test will be: if the support hand is removed, the firearm can still be fired. Left hand post must be fired before right hand post. (b) Left hand post: All shots must be fired around the left side of the post. Firearm must be held with the left hand and only the left trigger finger may be in the trigger guard. (c) Right hand post: All shots must be fired around the right side of the post. Firearm must be held with the right hand and only the right trigger finger may be in the trigger guard.
Standing without support Standing with bent or straight legs, firearm held by one or both hands. All portions of the competitor’s clothing, body and firearm clear of artificial support.
Kneeling (a) Kneeling on one knee, the other extended toward the target. Buttocks may be on heel or side of foot but cannot touch the ground. One arm may be supported on the forward knee. The firearm may be held by one or both hands. (b) Kneeling on both knees, the buttocks clear of the ground but may rest on heels. The firearm may be held by one or both hands and one or both arms are to be extended without other support.
8. Targets: HGW4 Sport Shooting PPC 1500 FULL, one per competitor. 9. Ammunition: A minimum of 60 rounds of hand loaded or factory loaded .354 caliber or larger ammunition, to be supplied by the competitor. No high speed or magnum ammunition will be allowed. All ammunition must be loaded for and produce sufficient velocity to pass through the target and the backer. Shots which do not pass through the target and the backer will be scored as misses. All loading of rounds will be contained in the competitor’s pocket, cartridge belt, mechanical loaders from belt pouches or magazines from a magazine belt pouches. 10. Course of Fire
Warm – up: Unlimited warm-up shots in 2 minutes and 45 seconds on 50 meters only. Telescopes or binoculars may be used for spotting. Other than in the warm-up stage, no telescope or binoculars are allowed to be used by competitors.
During the warm-up stage, all competitors must fire until their firearm is empty and then only return their firearm to their holster, before using either their telescope or binoculars.
Pistols may not be placed on the ground or anywhere except in the holster or held in hand (with finger off trigger) during the warm-up stage, in order for competitors to use their telescope or binoculars.
Firearms may not be placed on the ground or anywhere except in the holster or held in hand during the warm-up stage, in order for competitors to use their telescope or binoculars. The pistol’s safety may also not be used.
Stage 1: 7M 12 shots in 20 seconds (to include reloading of 6 rounds). Each shot fired double action only from the standing without support position.
Stage 2: 25M 18 shots in 90 seconds (1 minute 30 seconds - all reloading must take place after changing positions) 6 shots kneeling - barricade not to be used; 6 shots left hand, left side of barricade, standing with support - barricade must be used; 6 shots right hand, right side of barricade, standing with support - barricade must be used. All shots to be fired double action only. Score/Change Target
Stage 3: 50M 24 shots in 165 seconds (2 minutes 45 seconds - all reloading must take place after changing positions) 6 shots sitting; 6 shots prone (if prone is not possible, weakest shooting position/hand standing from the barricade must be used); 6 shots left hand, left side of barricade, standing with support - barricade must be used; 6 shots right hand, right side of barricade, standing with support - barricade must be used. Shots can be fired double or single action.
Stage 4: 25M 6 shots in 12 seconds standing unsupported. Score/Change Target.
1. Malfunctions: Other than defective targets, target mechanisms, range failures or range malfunctions, there are no allowances for malfunctions and no competitor will be allowed to re-fire because of a disabled pistol, a defective cartridge or any shooter or firearm related malfunction.
2. General: Specifically prohibited are full-length Bo-Mar type ribs on the slide, trigger shoes, any system of recoil control based on compensators, barrel venting, or weighted grips or grip panels. |
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